11 March 2009

I Need To Get My Shit...


Okay, so this is officially the last week of my loose shit. I finally start a class next week at my new college, like a class that I actually attend. Hopefully, this obligation to leave the house will force me to do everything else I need to take care of. I'm not gonna lie I've been really lazy this time I've been home. And believe it or not Point Motherfucking Loma is still fucking me in the ass. I'm pretty much three thousand in debt so I'm kinda stressed because of the $0 that I have to start paying that shit. UGH. God Damit. I hate that school so much. On top of this I gotta get started on focusing on my present life and I need to get a job. Being like this sucks...I hate having adult problems like this at such a young age...seriously I feel like I'm the only one going through this...I wish I was the girl who left after the 2nd day of school, now I see that her decision was pretty damn smart. So from this coming monday on, I gotta be focused...cuz right now I really think that I'm lowkey fucked.

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