26 February 2009
The Future
So many people around me have been worried about their futures. I was worried for a time, but I think that if I get to caught up with what I'm going to do in the future I would just curl up in a ball and not be able to do anything in my life. I would like to say that I take each day a step at a time. I mean it may seem that I have my future in tact, but in reality I'm pretty much in the same boat as everyone else. I know, I know, I'm actually going to school for something already and thats crazy, but I know I don't want to be a nurse for the rest of my life. If anything I'm scared of my reality. I know I want to do something in the fashion industry, but see the thing is I'm scared. I don't know exactly what I want to do, and therefore I don't even know if I'll succeed in whatever I do. So many people around me have talked about their passion and thats what they want to go to school for, but for me I've already accepted that my passion was not an option for me right now so I've just took it. So while everyone is working on their passion, I'm working on my reality. I guess, for me, my passion is just gonna have to wait. And the funny thing is....I'm okay with it.
24 February 2009
Kanye West Storytellers on vh1
23 February 2009
M.I.A. at Grammys
Okay so I was googling and this caught my eye:
Yah, I don't know, but doesn't she kind of remind you of a chicken? Maybe a fashionable one though? I love M.I.A., but really? Although, no one really knows about my blog I thought that I should share this if there is anyone that looks at it. But yah ok. The End of this Blog 2fer.
Oscar Time
So lately I've become such a movie person. In the time that I've been home, I've seen a crapload of movies.
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (this one was kind of ehhh...not my type of movie, but it had a lot of famous people in it)
Changeling (this one was good although I kind of slept through some of it...it was late..)
He's Just Not That Into You (this one was cuuuute... :])
The Reader (saw this on Valentine's Day, not the most cutesy movie, but it was really good I thought, I was one of the youngest people in the theatre though, it made me feel old.)
Slumdog Millionaire (I loikeed it alot)
Yes so I have seen all these movies and I must say all of them were really good in their own way. But my favorite would have to be Slumdog (although I missed the beginning). It was soo goood I thought, I mean I'm really into these kind of movies. City Of God is kind of like it, except for the crazy game show and all of the drugs that were in City Of God. But foreal, I'm so glad to have seen it. M.I.A. was most def on the soundtrack though, that made me happy. I dono if I'm weird or something, but I felt so cool when it won Best Picture at the Oscars (because I saw it before it won). I don't know I guess I'm kind of lame. But anyways, I've always loved movies, but now that I'm home I'm definately making the most of watching movies. It makes me happy.
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (this one was kind of ehhh...not my type of movie, but it had a lot of famous people in it)

22 February 2009
Hello New Distraction
Yes, I have just moved home after a semester and a month of crazy christian school and Yes, I have joined the wonderful world of bloggers to hopefully make myself become more literate. Well, it has been my 3rd week home? Something like that and I can say that I have never enjoyed being home so much...like literally just home. Yah I have been out somewhat..but most of my time back home has been actually at home. Being away for a long period of time can really make a girl miss home. And this means alot coming from someone like me. Because people that know me, know that I'm not one to readily say that I LOVE my home. I haven't had the best experiences while living at home before. So, I can honestly say that I have gained a whole new perspective of my home. But anyways...lets get away from this epiphany moment.
What have I been up to lately....

What have I been up to lately....
- I have started a new school. Hello Cerritos College. Oh, how scared I was to attend you before. But what a comfort it is to attend you now. Although, I don't really feel like I'm attending you right now I hope that we get along in the future? Yes an online class does not count as going to school for me...oh and Library 100 either..ok. Haha oh wow I'm talking to my college like it's a person. Oh and my new tennis team...these girls i have not known for very long, but have taken me in sooooooo easily. These girls are soo easy to get along with and I am truly grateful for the acceptance they've given me so quickly.
- Okay but anyways...I spend more time with the boyfriend which is great because I'm so glad that he's becoming a bigger part of my life and is helping me reacquaint myself with my once familiar surroundings. Now we can spend as much time as we wanted to since I was away. The distance has seriously made us stronger.
My (what it seems) long lost babies!! I have missed all my girls sooo much. I am so happy to be reunite and catch up with them. I am so glad to comeback to the true friends that I already knew. The constant conversation about "We're going to meet our true friends in college...." through my experience is definately NOT true. Before leaving to college I was in such a good place with all of my friendships that it made it even harder to be away from home. Then while at college that phrase was definately proven false. These girls, they know who they are, are some of the most special people that I know. I know I can go to ANY of them with any problem and they will be there for me no matter what.

- Family, being at home has helped me realize that home is where the heart REALLY is. I never really understood my parents' affection for me until I left. I was able to see a new side of them that I never knew was there. So much has happend in my family in the past year and I think all of our experiences has made all of our relationships stronger. I feel that many of us have become more trustworthy 0f one another. I know my family is glad to have me back and I am glad to be back.
- Eating. Yes while being back I have been eating all of my favorite food that I was lacking for the past 5 months of my life, and I'm pretty sure that I'm gaining all the weight that I was SUPPOSED to gain during college...but I guess everything for me is different so I'm getting the back-to-home 15? So yes all my favorite restaurants better watch out....cause I'm Baaaaack... :)
- I need a job now. I am a commuter, I live at home, I need a job...While being away I'm actually only gained one thing..some new found independence. Asking money from my parents now makes me feel bad. I'm kicking myself in the ass right now and trying to whip myself into shape. I have to be an adult now and get a job so I can support myself. If anyone has any ideas or knows of any job openings...please IM me. Thanks.
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